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REporting Expenses

If you have an approved reimbursable expense, here are the steps to take for reimbursement:

  1. Obtain receipts! No expenses will be reimbursed without receipts totaling the amount of the reimbursement.
  2. If the vendor is a sole proprietor and not a corporation (i.e. Home Depot as opposed to Professor Vladimir's Top Soviet Party DJ Service) you must obtain a current W9 form.
  3. Download and fill out this form
  4. Email the form along with all supporting documentation to expenses@orindaparkpool.org. Copy the board member who is responsible for approving your expense (e.g., Swim Team Board member for any swim-team related expenses)
  5. Reimbursements will be run bi-monthly so you should receive payment within approximately two weeks of submission.

If you need to contact the official OPP Bookkeeper you can email her here

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