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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are single-day passes available for non-members?

    No, use of the pool is limited to members and their guests.

  • How much does it cost to join & how do I apply?

    If you'd like to join us at OPP, please visit our JOIN PAGE

    There is a one-time, non-refundable initiation fee of $2,000. When you terminate your membership, $900 will be returned to you.  Annual dues for the 2025 season are $2150 for a family membership, and $1,313 for seniors. Payment is due in full every year on Feb 1 and all dues are non-refundable. Members who join after March 1st must be prepared to pay in full.

  • Is OPP membership limited to Orinda residents?

    No, everybody is welcome at OPP. However, we do give priority to Orinda residents if more than 50% of our membership is outside of Orinda (as is the case now).

  • Can I bring a guest?

    please refer to our GUEST POLICY for more information

  • Can I transfer or exchange my OPP membership with another family?

    No, OPP memberships are not transferable.

  • How do I make a party reservation request?

    If your group consists of more than 10 non-members you must make a party reservation request. Making the request does not guarantee or imply approval of your event, and all requests are subject to review. Parties may only be booked by members in good standing and no parties may be booked on holidays or concurrent with swim team events. Party reservation requests can be made  HERE

  • How can I get more information on the swim team?

  • Is there a wait-list to join OPP?

    It varies.  We are a limited membership-only pool, and can only offer memberships when they become available.  We accept applications throughout the year and fulfill them in the order in which they are received. If you're interested in joining please visit our JOIN PAGE

  • How long does it usually take to move to the top of the list?

    Again, it varies. An existing membership must be relinquished before we can offer a new one for sale.  Most memberships turn over in the off-season, but memberships sometimes become available after March 1, when invoices are due.

  • Can I join for one season?

    It is possible to join for a single season, but your initiation fees cannot be re-applied.  After relinquishing a membership you must re-join and pay the fee of $2,000 again. All annual dues & assessments are non-refundable.  Once you become a member, the membership is yours until you decide to leave or fail to pay the annual dues/assessment.

  • How do I relinquish my OPP membership?

    To relinquish your membership please follow the steps outlined here. Dues and assessments are non-refundable.

  • Does OPP offer day care during the summer?

    No. However, members are able to register for summer camps at OPP (subject to availability). For more info please see the Kids Camp page

  • Where can I find information about swim lessons?

    Basic information is available HERE 

  • Is there a cafe' at OPP?

    There sure is! Please see the cafe' page HERE.

  • My gate fob doesn't work, what do I do?

    If your gate fob has stopped working please note the number (in very small print on the fob itself) and contact the club manager to assist.

  • I need another gate fob, what do I do?

    To order an additional or replacement gate fob, please see more information here

  • Are nannies/caregivers allowed to come to the pool?

    Yes, for a small fee a nanny or caregiver can be added to your membership.  Please see this page for more information. Live-in AuPairs can be added to the membership at no additional cost. 

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