A gate fob is required for entry to OPP. Please make sure you have enough fobs so that any members of your household who come to the pool can get in, but keep in mind that your membership extends only to family members who live in your primary residence and cannot be transferred to extended family or neighbors.
The number of fobs allocated to any particular membership should generally not exceed the number of members in that household.
If you have a nanny, child-care provider, or family member who does not reside in your household we offer the payment of a "caretaker fee" to enable them to access the pool.
Please note: caretaker fee is a payment allowing your caretaker to enter OPP. It does not pay for additional gate fobs.
Select Add Membership and then select a participant from your account or add a new participant.
Open up your shopping cart (top right corner of your screen) and click next to begin checkout process. You will choose the number of caretaker and fobs on the next screen.
Indicate how many care taker and additional fobs to purchase
Having trouble? We've included some screenshots of the checkout process above. Something you don't understand? Contact Eldad, the OPP Pool Manager.
Physical Address (do not send mail to this address):
72 El Toyonal, Orinda, CA 94563
Mailing Address:
Orinda Park Inc., P.O. Box 32, Orinda, CA, 94563
All Rights Reserved | Orinda Park Pools
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