Lanes 0 and 1 are drop-in and available to use without advance sign up.
Lap swimming swimming is not available on certain days (e.g. during swim meetings). Schedules will be updated via the signup link to reflect availability.
To signup, click the link above and navigate to the date you wish to signup. Select the desired time / lane number then "check-in" members on your account. Please "un-checkin" if you no longer intended to use the lane. Checkins are automatically enabled 7 days in advance.
There are two swim slots available to share per lane. Please do not reserve an entire lane for one individual swimmer unless it is for multiple household members using the same lane.
Physical Address (do not send mail to this address):
72 El Toyonal, Orinda, CA 94563
Mailing Address:
Orinda Park Inc., P.O. Box 32, Orinda, CA, 94563
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