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At OPP we take the comfort and safety of all members and guests very seriously. While a long list of dos and don'ts usually gets in the way of a good time, adherence to a few simple rules ensures a safe and fun environment for all. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the following rules before visiting OPP.

You can also see our New Member Orientation deck HERE.

Please understand that our lifeguards are instructed to enforce the rules that are established by the pool board. This is for all our safety and enjoyment of the pool. Please do not complain to the guards if you do not agree with a rule or have a problem. There is a process established so that the board can hear all complaints and problems and make sure they are handled appropriately:

Eldad Hazor is our pool manager. Please contact him first with any questions.

If Eldad is not at the pool please call or text him at 415-515-4298 or email him at manager@orindaparkpool.org.

If your problem is still not solved please contact any of the Board Members at board@orindaparkpool.org.

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