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Membership Info

Important Membership Information

Annual dues/assessment are due no later than March 1 each year. After March 1, late fees will be applied. If dues/assessments remain unpaid by opening day, your membership may be subject to forfeiture.

Please update your profile if your contact information changes (e.g., email address). You are still responsible for payment even if you did not receive notification. For 2025, all membership dues will be processed through our old website. It will remain accessible for the remainder of the season here.

All membership transfers must be done through Membership: NO OUTSIDE SALES. Your membership is yours until it is relinquished and transferred to a new member. If you wish to relinquish your membership, please follow the steps below before February 1. 

Relinquishing Membership

Whatever the reason is that you've chosen to leave the OPP Community, we are sorry to see you go. We've tried to make the process of relinquishing your membership as simple as possible, but it does require a few steps. 

Please complete and submit membership relinquishment form via this link

Relinquishment Form/Request to Transfer Membership

Relinquishment Timeline

  • Submit formal notice to relinquish your membership.
  • Requests will be processed in the order they are received.
  • Once the transfer of your membership to a new member is complete, outgoing members are eligible to receive $900 refund check.
  • You will then receive an email from OPP, via Quicken Books, with instructions to initiate your refund. (This email might look like spam, but it is not!)
  • Refunds are only issued to members who are in good standing.
  • Checks to relinquished members are batched and issued once a month.
  • The membership transfer process takes time; we have been fortunate to have a waitlist of applicants; however you are responsible for your membership until it transfers. Please allow for 2-4 weeks. 

If you have any questions, please contact our volunteers in our Membership Department.

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