Orinda Park Pools logo


Club Manager: Eldad Hazor

For information about your Board of Directors, click HERE (members only).

Suggestions: suggestions@orindaparkpool.org
OPP Board: 

Pool Location (no mail received at this address):
72 El Toyonal, Orinda, CA 94563

Mailing Address:
Orinda Park Inc.
P.O. Box 32
Orinda, CA, 94563


Orinda Park Pool is located at 72 El Toyonal, Orinda, CA. Click here for a map or directions.

Please avoid using Alta Vista Drive when visiting the pool. It is a very narrow one-way street and the residents have asked that our members not take this route. Thank you for your understanding.


  • Due to its unique location nestled in the hills, Orinda Park Pool has a modest parking lot. Parking is especially difficult on very hot days and during special events like swim meets.
  • Members and visitors are highly encouraged to carpool during swim meets.
  • Never park in a fire lane, including the access road to the guard shack.
  • Do not block the entrance to the overflow lot, or block egress of cars within it.
  • No parking on the street anywhere there is a double yellow line in the middle of the road and a passing car would have to cross the double yellow line to pass yours. You may be ticketed or towed.
  • If you park your car on the side of the road, both tires must be over the white line.
  • Please park like a good neighbor.
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