Q: Do you have any other sports or activities that are a big part of your life?
A: Yes! I row and play water polo for Berkeley High--these are a large part of my life!
Q: What are some of your plans that you're considering to pursue after high school?
A: Right now I just have plans to go to college
Do you have any favorite experiences from this summer that you can
I went to the Dominican Republic this summer for 2 weeks, ate a lot
of really good food there and met some really amazing people!
Q: How long have you been teaching lessons and coaching at OPP?
A: I have been coaching at OPP for 3 years now
Are there any coaches for OPP that you've been together with for a long
time--and if so, do you see any of them outside of swim season?
A: I have known Coach Anaya since we were 2 years old. I now go to high school with her along with Coach Lily!
Q: What are some of your favorite parts of getting to coach at OPP?
A: I really love getting to know each kid individually and all the different things about them!
Q: Do you have any memories during "taper week" that you could share with the group?
A: I have many memories of going to one of my friends houses with a few other people and watching movies. And of course, getting in the OMPA spirit!
Q: Do you have any advice for kids that might be getting nervous about OMPA?
A: Just take a deep breath and trust and focus on all of the hard work you have done, but mostly remember to have fun!
Do you have any really strong and positive memories from OPP that have
nothing to do with the swim team that you'd be able to share?
A: Just being with my friends all day every day!