Q: What was your favorite stroke to swim when growing up?A: Butterfly!
Q: Did you swim for your high school team?
A: I did, I swam for Berkeley High
Q: Did you play any other sports in high school?
A: I also played water polo and rugby in high school
Q: Where did you go to college?
A: I just graduated from Tulane this spring and I am currently applying to medical school.
Q: What are some careers you could see yourself doing 5 years from now?
A: Physician (hopefully)
Q: Did you ever get nervous for big meets like OMPA--and if so, what did you do to try to calm yourself and focus?
A: I used to get very very nervous. The best thing to do is to put things in context. It’s just a swim meet!
Q: How long have you been a coach at OPP?
A: I have been coaching on OPP for 8 years!
Q: As a coach and technique teacher, do you have any suggestions on what people should be working on as the ramp up for OMPA?
A: Really challenge yourself during hard week, and then when it's time to taper, really taper. Go home and watch a movie, don't hang out at the pool all day!
Q: Do you have any advice you can share to families that are thinking about getting into swimming more next year?
A: What makes OPP special is the community! Make sure to participate in all the fun activities that are planned for the team.
Q: Do you have any coaches or friends that you would like to say hi to?
A: Love all of my coworkers! Brad, Quinn, and Aidan are the reason I am excited to come into work every day. Erin is cool too I guess.
Q: Do you have any last things that you'd like to say to all of our Park Pool families?
A: OPP is the most amazing community you're going to find. Keep swimming, keep hanging out at the pool, cause it is a special place!